The Complete Guide to Sleep Apnea and What You Can Address It

Sleep deprivation can lead to sleep-related disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and more. Sleep disorder is a condition that prevents an individual from sleeping for a proper amount of time, and sleep apnea is a common disorder.

People suffering from sleep disorders can suffer from depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, and more. It is important to seek sleep apnea treatment in Cypress, TX if you are experiencing any symptoms related to this disorder.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea causes breathing to repeatedly stops for a couple of seconds during sleep. It can cause symptoms ranging from loud snoring to gasping for breath, and it can be life-threatening.

Sleep apneas can be dangerous, as they can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and anxiety. Sleep deprivation increases the risk for these health problems by triggering stress hormones. Other problems include, interrupted or broken sleep cycles, causing chronic fatigue, mood issues, headaches, and low energy.

It is advisable to seek sleep apnea treatment in TX as soon as possible if you think you might have sleep apnea.

What Are the Different Types of Sleep Apnea?

There are two types of obstructive sleep apnea – central and obstructive:

  • Central: You stop breathing during your sleep due to an interruption of the brain signals from the respiratory center in your brain stem.
  • Obstructive: Your airway becomes blocked by either soft tissue collapse or a buildup of excess mucus in the back of your throat or nose. This means that your airway cannot be open all the time while you are asleep. This is problematic because the brain has to work harder to keep breathing, leading to poor quality of sleep. And, it is crucial to seek out sleep apnea treatment near you to prevent any complications and improve your quality of life.

What are the Most Common Sleep Apnea Treatments?

Sleep apnea is a common medical condition that has many causes, and treatments may vary depending on the cause. But, often involve a combination of different approaches to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.

  • Lifestyle change
    The primary sleep apnea treatment in Sleep Apnea in Cypress is a lifestyle change. Having a weight loss and workout plan can go a long way in reducing sleep apnea symptoms. Avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption can also help in addressing sleep apnea.
  • CPAP and oral appliances
    However, if these changes do not work, the dentist may recommend other treatments like the CPAP machine.

    A CPAP machine is a device used to provide continuous positive airway pressure during sleep. The pressure prevents the airway from collapsing during sleep and improving your breathing.

    A CPAP machine uses a hose that connects to the nose and mouth. It delivers oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the system, which then helps people breathe while sleeping.

    Many people are turning to CPAP machines for help with this condition. Some people with sleep apnea may be prescribed by their doctors a CPAP machine that they need to wear at night. However, these machines are expensive, and not all users may be able to afford one.

    If you cannot use the CPAP machine, there are other options like oral appliances (mouthpieces). They are used to keep your jaw and tongue still while you are sleeping, which prevents pauses in breathing that can cause sleep disruption during sleep.

  • Surgery
    When all the sleep apnea treatments in 77433 have failed, the dentist may recommend surgery.

    Several types of sleep apnea surgeries can be used to treat the condition. The first type is the mandibular advancement device (MAD) or boney splint. This surgery involves making a small cut in the roof of your mouth and moving your jaw forward to keep it from collapsing on itself while you sleep.

    This type is followed by cricothyroidotomy, which can be done through either open or closed procedures. In an open procedure, a surgeon cuts into the throat to access the airway and then uses a breathing tube to connect them to your lungs so you can breathe while sleeping.

    Finally, there is tracheostomy, which involves making an incision in your neck and then inserting a breathing tube into your windpipe, so that you can still breathe.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit MiraBella Smiles if you are looking for sleep apnea treatment near you, and we will choose a suitable treatment for you.

Posted on behalf of Smile Well Dentistry