Sleep Apnea and Snoring Treatment

Do you find it annoying sleeping next to a snoring person? Snoring is one of those things that people will make fun about. It is easy to make a joke out of your snoring friend. However, did you know snoring at night is a medical condition?

Sleeping at night should be sound and restful. The body and brain should have ample time to rest and replenish. For people who snore at night, this might not be their story. It is different if you are snoring because you have a cold. However, if snoring is quickly becoming part of your life, you should consider sleep apnea snoring treatment in Cypress, TX.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where the patient experiences shortness of breath repeatedly during sleep. The brief interruptions in the breathing are usually as a result of an obstruction in the airway. The patient may not be aware of the shortness of breath episodes. The pauses in the breath last for about ten seconds, then repeats after a while.

One of the major sign of sleep apnea is snoring at night. It is why people who snore at night must consider seeking sleep apnea snoring treatment in Cypress. The obstruction of the airways can be caused by different things. For some patients, their brains fail to control breathing properly when they sleep. For others, the throat muscles are unable to keep the airway open for effective breathing.

What causes sleep apnea?

There are various causes of sleep apnea. To properly understand your underlying cause, it is important that you seek sleep apnea snoring treatment near you. However, here are some common causes of sleep apnea:

1. Weight issues – if you added a couple of pounds, you might have a harder time breathing than you did before. People who are overweight and those that suffer from obesity mostly succumb to sleep apnea.

2. Enlarged tonsils – tonsils can enlarge and cause a blockage to the airway. This will restrict proper breathing when you sleep.

3. Enlarged tongue – this is common for patients with Down syndrome.

How sleep apnea and snoring are treated

Depending on why you are experiencing heavy snoring at night, there are different ways to treat the condition. The good thing is that sleep apnea can be treated through lifestyle changes as well as by professional intervention. Once your doctor is done with diagnosis, he/she will prescribe some of the following treatments:

1. Surgical removal of tissue

In a situation where sleep apnea is severe, surgery might be involved in the treatment. The soft tissues that obstruct your airway at the back of your mouth and the top of your throat can be removed. This surgery might also involve the removal of tonsils if they are a reoccurring problem for the patient.

2. Jaw surgery

An even more severe cause of sleep apnea is treated through jaw surgery that is about maxillomandibular advancement. Jaw surgery helps increase the distance between the end of your tongue and the soft palate. The procedure focuses on the lower parts of your jaw to bring them forward from your other facial bones.

3. Saline nasal spray

Nasal congestion can also cause shortness of breath when you sleep. Using a saline nasal spray can help deal with the congestion. However, determine professional advice from your doctor. He/she can prescribe nasal decongestants or antihistamines to help with the severity of the nasal congestion.

4. Quit smoking

Smoking contributes to swelling of the upper airway. This will only increase snoring and make sleep apnea worse than it is.

5. Exercising regularly and losing weight

Exercising is one way to get rid of excess fat in the body, obese and overweight people have to make a drastic change in their weight to see any improvements in their sleep patterns.

6. Changing sleeping positions

Sleeping on your back can cause more snoring than a different position. Patients who snore feel better when they sleep on their sides rather than on their backs. Determine to keep shifting your position from one side to another.

7. Night guard

Your dentist might prescribe a night guard for you to improve your sleeping. A night guard helps you to leave some space between your upper and lower jaw when you sleep. This allows for better breathing.

Sleep apnea and snoring can be treated in different ways. Consider visiting a doctor today to examine your situation and recommend the best treatment.

Posted on behalf of Smile Well Dentistry