PRF Procedure in Dentistry: All You Need to Know

PRF has many benefits in the dental world. It is useful in dental procedures like dental implants, tooth extraction, bone grafting, periodontal regeneration, and dental surgery. Platelet-rich fibrin is proven to promote healing and recovery from dental treatment. This minimally invasive method is satisfactory, mainly in seniors with age-related conditions.

During the process, the expert will take a minimal amount of blood out through the IV. Then, he/she will put the blood in the platelet-rich fibrin centrifuge machine and allow it to spin down. PRF becomes ready to use in less than 15 minutes.

What is PRF Procedure? and its Benefits

PRF is a second-generation substance that includes growth factors and platelets in the form of fibrin membranes. These membranes are prepared from the own cells and blood of the patient. Platelet-rich fibrin contains excellent natural healing properties.

The fibrin matrix contains essential active elements trapped in it. They include leukocytes, stem cells, and platelets. These elements are linked with soft and bone tissue to speed up the formation of new blood vessels.

Below are the Advantages of Platelet Rich Fibrin

Let us discover the benefits of getting our PRF procedure in Cypress, TX:

  • Simple to Prepare at Dental Office
    Since PRF contains no additives, it can be prepared easily chairside. By making the bone grafting products and bone substitute materials more gel-like, PRF enhances the ease of application.
  • Completely Natural
    Platelet-rich fibrin is a 100% natural procedure. It eliminates the risk of an immunological reaction to it.
  • Affordable
    Platelet-rich fibrin is fast and much more cost-effective, unlike synthetic materials. The professional performs platelet-rich fibrin with just 5 CC of blood. It minimizes the expenditure of the process at the blood bank or in the hospital.
  • Restores Peri-Implant Bone
    If you are looking to replace your natural teeth, implants are a great option. But if the dentist finds minimal none surrounding the restoration, he/she uses a PRF procedure. It helps to regenerate healthy bone around the implant by attracting osteoblasts to that area.
  • Minimizes Probing Depth
    The bone destruction around the teeth makes them loose or weak. PRF procedure deposits the new bone and minimizes the probing depth. Probing depth is the depth of periodontal pockets.
  • Heal Mucosal Margins that Sutures Fail to Heal
    After dental surgeries, the surgeon usually puts sutures in the mouth of the patient. Platelet-rich fibrin helps to join and heal mucosa that sutures cannot heal.
  • Saves Alveolar Ridge
    After tooth removal, the bone that remains in the mouth is called Alveolar Ridge. Platelet-rich fibrin procedure ensures you have enough Alveolar bone to make you a perfect candidate for dental implants.
  • Predictable Results
    Since the PRF process is 100% safe, it removes the risk of a rejection reaction. It ultimately ensures a highly predictable outcome.
  • Used as a Membrane
    PRF avoids donor-site surgical processes. It helps to minimize discomfort during early wound healing.
  • Contains Antibacterial Properties
    This natural substance is effective in preventing and treating infections. Thanks to the leukocytes present in it.
  • Boost Gum Volume
    Platelet-rich fibrin improves gum volume by allowing the regeneration of the gums.
  • Decreases Osteitis
    This all-natural surgical substance minimizes osteitis by up to 90%. Osteitis in dentistry is a bone inflammation.

Who is Not a Good Candidate for PRF?

Not every individual is a perfect candidate for a platelet-rich fibrin procedure. Speak with the dentist in Cypress, TX at Mirabella Smiles immediately. It’s because he/she will only help to determine if you are the right person for the treatment. The following people do not qualify for this in-office process:

Also, ensure you share your complete health history and the current medicines with the professional.

Get PRF Today

Oral surgery usually exposes the jawbone (where it has a little blood). When this happens, it also has a reduced potential to heal fast and protect against infection. Platelet-rich fibrin procedure minimizes the risk of contamination at the surgical sites by ensuring they stay closed during the healing. Typically, PRF blends the advantages of both fibrin and platelets to shut down that area. It adds fortified blood back into the body to encourage healing in the space where it is most important.

Posted on behalf of Smile Well Dentistry