Know Everything About Veneers – Procedure, Risks, and Benefits

Everyone loves to have a beautiful smile but sometimes a gap in front teeth may hinder some people to do it confidently. Veneer dental treatment helps one to retain his/her confidence back. MiraBella Smiles provide the best dental veneers in Cypress, TX.

What is Dental Veneers?

It is a wafer-thin layer of tooth material that is used to cover front teeth to improve facial appearance. These are shell-like structures and used to change the color, shape, size, and length of your front teeth.

Types of Problems that Can Be Fixed With Veneers

  • Teeth that are distorted because of root canal treatment
  • Chipped and broken teeth
  • Teeth that are chipped, cracked, and poorly aligned
  • Teeth with a huge gap in between them

Types of Dental Veneers

When it comes to choosing dental veneers in Katy, TX, you have two options – porcelain dental veneers and resin dental veneers. Both procedures have their pros and cons. Porcelain veneers help to prevent staining better than resin veneers.

Both the options are good. But before making the final selection, consult your doctor first. You can contact us for dental veneers in Jersey village. We have the best team of dentists who are trained and qualified and assure you of high-quality dental treatment.

Dental Veneer Procedure

Veneers can retain your beautiful and confident smile once again. The procedure starts with the consultation. The whole process of treatment is not time-consuming. It takes 3-4 sittings with the dentists. They make you understand the process and discuss its limitations. You have to tell your dentist about the result that you expect.

Initially, they will examine your teeth whether they are fit for veneers or you should drop the idea. In the examination, they would take some X-rays. If they find everything fine, they will start veneer treatment for your teeth.

The dentist will reshape the surface of your teeth and make a model to make the right fit veneers for you. After that, they will finish with the model and send it to the laboratory. It will take 2-4 weeks for veneer preparation. When veneers will be prepared, your dentist will put them on your teeth like a shell. It will look the same as your natural teeth.

Dental Veneer Advantages

  • Improve facial appearance
  • Stain resisting
  • Teeth will look whiter
  • Fill up the cracks and gaps
  • They are stronger than crowns
  • Natural-looking appearance

Risks Associated with Veneers

  • The process once done is done it can’t be undone in any way.
  • They are a bit expensive
  • They usually can’t be repaired in case break or chip
  • The procedure requires the removal of enamel so teeth become sensitive to hot and cold.
  • Veneers can fall off so avoid chewing hard eatables.
  • Teeth with veneers have chances for decay so must be protected carefully.
  • Veneers are not the best choice for people who have unhealthy teeth.

Lifespan of Veneers

Dental veneers in 77433 generally last for a maximum of 15 years and after the period, they need to be replaced. If someone wants to stretch the lifespan of then he/she should take very good care of them. Adopt healthy eating habits and follow the instructions given by your dentist seriously.

Cost for Veneers

When it comes to cost for the procedure, it would depend upon the dental clinic and your requirements. It will also depend on the part of the country you are living in. We provide dental veneers in Cypress, TX at a very reasonable price. If you are in the requirement of the procedure, you can check us out at any time.


Veneer procedure makes your teeth sensitive to hot and cold food and is prone to chip and crack. Thus, one should follow a healthy dental care regime like brushing twice a day. Flossing with antiseptic mouthwash plus avoid sticky foods and beverages. Follow your dental care regime religiously so that veneers can last for longer.

Veneers could be a better option if you want to change the shape of your teeth and want to make your appearance more pleasant. You have different options in the procedure and you can pick the most suitable one for you that fits into your pocket.

Hopefully, the information shared through the blog would help you to make a wise decision for you. To know more and to have a quality treatment, you can contact us at any time.

Posted on behalf of Smile Well Dentistry