Dental Implants – Do Teeth Dictate Which Implants Are Best for You?

Losing teeth due to decay, accidents, or as part of a health problem is never a pleasant experience. The situation worsens if you lose several teeth. Furthermore, it indicates you might have oral health issues like tooth decay or weakened gums. Dental implants are excellent and effective in replacing missing teeth. However, do you need to determine which teeth need replacements and which can be ignored?

Dental implants are surgically embedded in your jawbone to live as your artificial tooth root. Titanium, a biocompatible metal, helps make dental implants in the form of posts or frames to hold replacement teeth securely in place. Implants are the optimal way to replace a missing tooth. In addition, implants can hold bridges, dentures, or dental crowns mounted atop them. The only requirement patients need to have is highly jawbone and gums.

It is understandable why dental implants have become the favored procedure to replace missing teeth. Implants help you to maintain facial structure and oral health. Let us understand how dental implants function, why they are effective, and whether you need different implant versions to replace various types of teeth.

When Do Dentists Recommend Dental Implants?

Implants serve multiple purposes in your mouth when replacing a lost or extracted tooth. Dental implants restore optimal oral health and self-confidence, support your jaw and gum health, and help maintain the structure of your face. In addition, a mouthful of teeth makes chewing, biting, and swallowing more accessible by ensuring you don’t have to confront challenges when smiling because of gaps between your teeth.

Dental implants are artificial metal anchors that technically help as a part of replacing missing teeth. They appear natural, making it challenging for you to distinguish between your manufactured and natural teeth. However, the only downside of getting implants is the surgical procedure you must undergo by paying a higher upfront cost and the healing that requires approximately six months.

The implant placement procedure when getting dental implants in Cypress, TX, involves oral surgeons specializing in dental implant placement and other specialists working together to create a tailor-made treatment plant explicitly for you. The entire procedure proceeds in the following phases.

Your mouth and jaw undergo a comprehensive examination which includes x-rays, to determine your eligibility for implants. If you are considered eligible for the treatment, you can start the first phase of the process, where the dental implant is inserted in your jaw beneath the gums. You receive sutures around the embedded titanium post during the healing. Next, the implant integrates with your jawbone and gums in an osseointegration process, requiring two to three months.

After tissue healing, an abutment is attached to the implant before creating your artificial tooth with dental-grade porcelain for attachment to the abutment. You may have to schedule multiple appointments with the dentist near you to receive a perfectly designed dental crown as your artificial tooth.

You can discuss with your dentist when dental implants are appropriate and inquire whether a dental bridge will suit your needs. Dentists can tell you whether the implant or bridge impacts eating, chewing, biting, or swallowing. They will also suggest dental implants help overcome most problems because they are created to appear in function like your natural teeth. It is the primary reason dentists recommend replacing missing teeth with implants instead of other options. In addition, compared to alternatives that require replacements after every decade, dental implants stay in your mouth for life to confirm they never need replacements unless you damage the dental crown mounted atop them.

Is There Any Possibility Of Dental Implant Failure?

Ninety-five percent of dental implants succeed after placement in your jawbone. However, they require appropriate maintenance as your natural teeth with daily brushing, flossing, and regular checkups and cleanings from the dentist 77443.

The lack of proper oral hygiene can make you vulnerable to gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss and implant failure. Implant failure is also typical when you receive them from inexperienced dentists without sufficient knowledge of placing them. Besides the above dental implants are not likely to fail unless you neglect the after-care instructions the dentist provides after surgery or neglect oral hygiene constantly.

Do Your Teeth Dictate the Need for Specific Types of Implants?

You have four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. If incisors help you to bite foods and speak, canines help cut the foods while the molars assist in chewing and maintaining facial structure. However, your teeth are different in size and need dental implants suitable for them.

While dental implants are appropriate to replace missing teeth, dentists will choose the proper version for your needs depending on your jawbone strength, density, or the number of teeth you want to be replaced. Therefore, while your teeth will dictate which implant best suits their needs, the dentist determines the optimal option after examining your mouth and jawbone.

If you want to replace missing teeth with dental implants, MiraBella Smiles provides them after a comprehensive examination of your mouth, providing you with optimal replacements for missing teeth. Consult them today to start planning your treatment to have dental implants placed to replace your lost teeth.

Posted on behalf of Smile Well Dentistry