How Your Dentist Can Save Your Life!

The link between oral health and overall health has been researched extensively for the past decade. No longer is it assumed that the body and the mouth are two separate parts, as was the general consensus in the past. In fact, former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala, said, “The terms oral health … Read more

The Real Truth About Dental X-Rays

In order to ensure that are teeth and supporting structures are healthy and free of disease, every person will be required to have dental x-rays at some point in their lives. For this reason, it is helpful to know a little bit about them – how safe they are and how they work. Dental x-rays, … Read more

When is Tooth Extraction the Best Option?

Losing teeth as a kid is a natural part of growing up. It might have even been celebrated. However, once your permanent teeth come in, you’ll want to do your best to keep them healthy so that you can use and enjoy them for as long as possible. There are occasions, however, when a tooth … Read more