Here’s All You Should Know About Sedation Dentistry

Many people get uneasy at the mention of a trip to the dentists. This is because dental procedures are regarded as uncomfortable and painful. If we could, most of us would endure any form of discomfort caused by a dental issue rather than visiting the dentist. The solution to this phobia lies in sedation dentistry near you. Let’s see how it works.

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of drugs to help patients relax during dental procedures. There are different levels of sedation dentistry in Cypress. With minimal sedation, a patient is fully awake but relaxed. Moderate sedation involves a more altered level of consciousness. A patient is awake but may slur words during speaking and forget parts of the procedure. When in deep sedation, a patient is at the borderline between consciousness and unconsciousness but it is possible to wake them up. General anesthesia involves putting a person to sleep. It’s the deepest level of sedation in which a patient is unconscious.

Who Can Get Sedation In Dentistry?

Not everyone needs sedation dentistry in Cypress, TX. It’s reserved for people who have a real phobia of the dentist’s chair. People who have a low pain threshold or very sensitive teeth also need sedation dentistry in Cypress. The same goes for people who cannot relax in a dentist’s chair, have a bad gag reflex, or have to undergo a lot of procedures. Children are sedated if they cannot cooperate with the dentist. The most common form of sedation used for them is gaseous (Nitrous Oxide) because it is safe in them.

Who Can Give Sedation In Dentistry?

Many dentists can give minimal sedation. The same goes for moderate sedation although the numbers are less than that of minimal sedation. However, only dentists trained in deep sedation and general anesthesia under the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) program can administer these levels of sedation.

What Are The Types of Sedation Used In Dentistry?

Inhaled minimal sedation comes top of this list. Nitrous Oxide/Laughing gas is combined with Oxygen and inhaled through a mask over the patient’s nose. The gas will help the patient relax during the procedure. The dentist can adjust the levels of gas inhaled as they wish. The effects of the gas will wear off shortly after the inhalation stops.

Oral sedation can be minimal or moderate depending on the strength of the drug used and dosage given. The pill is given an hour before the procedure so that the effects can kick in. Some patients may fall asleep but they are easily aroused by gentle nudging. Oral sedation is the most common type used in sedation dentistry.

In IV moderate sedation, a drug is administered intravenously(through the veins). This allows for the effects of the drug to kick in immediately. The dentist can alter the levels of sedation.

In deep sedation and general anesthesia, the medication administered is usually through the veins. The patient will be unconscious until the drug wears off or the effects are reversed with medication.

It’s common practice to administer numbing medication at the site where the dental procedure will be performed. This helps to prevent the sensation of pain while the procedure is on. Pain can be felt after the effects of the drug wear off.

What Are The Risks Of Sedation In Dentistry?

With anesthesia, there’s always a risk. Your dentist will assess your health status to ascertain if it’s safe to give you anesthesia. Certain people, such as people who are obese or suffering from sleep apnea are more likely to develop complications. As a patient, try to ensure that your dentist is qualified to give the kind of anesthesia you’ll be getting. It is important to ask questions if you are not clear on a particular aspect. Sedation in dentistry is safe when done by an experienced dentist.

Posted on behalf of Smile Well Dentistry