Ease Your Mind With Cypress Sedation Dentistry

Do you, a loved one or a friend suffer from dental anxiety? Tired of neglecting your oral health due to your fears of the drill? At MiraBella Smiles we understand that dental anxiety/phobias can be a very scary experience and want to make sure each of our patients has the most comfortable experience possible. Our dentist offers both laughing gas and oral conscious sedation dentistry in Cypress, TX for our patients that need a little help relaxing when they visit the dentist. Think you could benefit from our Cypress sedation dentistry? Schedule an appointment with MiraBella Smiles today!

Laughing Gas Sedation Cypress

For patients that suffer from mild to moderate dental anxiety, laughing gas sedation can be an excellent option. With laughing gas sedation, a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen is administered using a tiny mask which is placed over the nose. Within minutes of being exposed to the laughing gas, the patient will begin to feel calm and euphoric. With laughing gas sedation, patients remain awake and are completely capable of communicating and following directions. Following treatment, laughing gas quickly wears off, allowing patients to return to their daily activities.

Oral Conscious Sedation Cypress

For those patients that suffer from more severe dental anxiety, oral conscious sedation may be a better option. With oral conscious sedation, the patient is prescribed anti-anxiety medication prior to their appointment. The anti-anxiety medication provides a calming and relaxing experience during treatment while allowing the patient to communicate and properly follow directions. Unlike laughing gas sedation, oral conscious sedation requires the patient to be driven by someone else to our practice. We also recommend spending the rest of the day relaxing, continuing normal activity the following day.

Schedule Sedation Dentistry in Cypress, TX Today

Interested in sedation dentistry in Cypress, TX so that you can quit neglecting your smile and overall oral health? Contact MiraBella Smiles today, we’re always happy to have new patients at our dental practice and would be pleased to determine whether or not sedation dentistry is the right option for you.

Posted on behalf of Smile Well Dentistry